Welcome to Rejuvenan! Here's how to fill out your biomarkers and receive your Rejuvenan Health Score using an internet browser:
- Biomarkers are measurements of your health.
- We've identified the 10 that are the best predictors of your risk for chronic disease.
- By completing all 10 biomarkers, you'll receive a true snapshot of your current health in the form of your Rejuvenan Health Score.
- Once you've signed into your account at rejuvenan.com from an internet browser, you'll see your health score at the right side of the screen.
- To start filling out your biomarkers, click any one of the sections that complete your wheel
- In the chat box that appears, you'll be asked a series of questions that allows us to calculate your individual score for that biomarker.
- Once you've completed all 10 biomarkers, our proprietary algorithm will generate your complete Rejuvenan Health Score which you'll find in the center of your wheel.
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