Welcome to Rejuvenan! Here's how to sign up for a Rejuvenan membership from a web browser:
- Go to Rejuvenan.com and click on the “sign up” tab at the top
- From here, enter in your first name, last name, date of birth, gender, state, and email.
- Create a strong password and retype it for accuracy (passwords must have a combination of at least six characters including uppercase and lowercase, as well as at least 1 special character and 1 number)
- Please read and agree to Rejuvenan's privacy policy, HIPPA policy, and terms
- Click "Sign up"
- Next, Select your Clinical Wellness plan of choice
- Scroll down to where you can enter your credit card information and click "pay"
- Next, you can either go to your dashboard or continue on and complete your profile
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